With the imminent release of the new-old Red Box can we now look to the future-past? Will Grognards ascend the basement stairs to rummage through their Mom's purse for the $20 MSRP? Does it matter? To me it does. I was once a Grognard. But, I got tired of NOT having anyone to play with. It's also nice to have something to get excited about. What the hell do the 3.5nards dream about? (other than WOTC burning down) Come to the Darkside, we have cookies.
P.S.- the price of 3.5 books are dropping on Amazon
What the hell do the 3.5nards dream about? (other than WOTC burning down)
Has 4th Ed. Turned the Corner?
ReplyDeleteI don't think so.
What the hell do the 3.5nards dream about? (other than WOTC burning down)
taichara is correct, Pathfinder.
We have cookies.
I'm not eating the cookies or drinking the Kool-aid, my friend.
You don't find players if you're not playing 4e? Thats funny. Over here (Germany) you won't find 4e players - because the system is just plain dead.
ReplyDeleteHowever, Cyric isn't telling you all the truth, as well he knows.
ReplyDeleteIn Germany, the 800lb. Gorilla has never been D&D - it's Das Schwarze Auge, a german D&D-Clone that went in it's own direction. No D&D edition ever had any chance on the market to compete (We used to say that if you didn't play DSA, Shadowrun or Vampire, you couldn't find a game...). D&D 3.x had significant problems due to the speed of the translation of 3.0 (Which is basically "not"). By the time a new publisher took over, it was too late to really get a german translation of 3.x running until Pathfinder got picked up. D&D 4 was looking good until WotC cancelled the licence without warning, almost killing the publisher in the process. D&D 4 is still selling pretty well, just not quite as good as 3.x was.
Still not good enough to compete with DSA though...
Don't believe the hype.
ReplyDeleteGimme the Old School - Labyrinth Lord.
I doubt many old school Grognards will be 4E Essentials converts. Even with Essentials 4E still aims at a very different style of play than the ones old school Grognards enjoy. I doubt it will pick up many 3.x/Pathfinder players either -- and for somewhat similar reasons. 4E (with or without Essentials) does one popular style of play VERY WELL, but does not handle many of the other styles of play that older versions of D&D supported well at all.
ReplyDeleteI doubt it will make many converts. 4e turned me from almost compulsively buying each new book to refusing to fork out more money.
ReplyDeleteThe more important question is whether Red Box will do its job and bring new players into the hobby?
I play Pathfinder, but I am looking to get this red box for Ye Olde Tymes sake since the original red box was my first rpg that I got. I doubt seriously I'll get around to playing 4e though.
ReplyDeleteHow many of you Pathfinder heroes actually buy the books or just bit torrent .pdf's? (guaranteeing that said Pathfinder will stop making money just like 3.5 did?)
ReplyDelete"How many of you Pathfinder heroes actually buy the books or just bit torrent .pdf's? (guaranteeing that said Pathfinder will stop making money just like 3.5 did?)"
ReplyDeleteIf with "Pathfinder Heroes" you mean those of us who play Pathfinder, well, I for one buy my stuff, thank výou very much. Someone urinate in your breakfast?
Not sure if it's turned a corner or not, but the Red Box certainly give it a shot in the arm. If you're having fun, it doesn't matter the system. Some like cake, some like pie.
ReplyDeleteOn a side note, you mentioned your 3.5 character a while back. Did you ever end up playing?
I did Dungeoneering Dad, I'm enjoying it very much. You're right, it really doesn't matter what system it is. I have really grown tired though of listening to people bash 4th Ed. then go on to say that they have all the Pathfinder Books on PDF. I believe that the Genre can grow and change, but downloading Bit Torrents is not helping at all.
ReplyDeleteI bought my Pathfinder book.
ReplyDeleteBest $50 I ever spent.